Tuesday, June 19, 2018

How To Make A You Tube Video In Three Easy Steps + Bonus Tip!


The last few weeks, I've posted clips for those with a bit of knowledge about filming/videoing.   Now I know some of you don't, and want to get started.  So here's Travis to tell you the very basics!  Film, edit, and upload!  This is so good for those of you who are a novice, and just don't know where to start.

This clip is a bit old now.  Windows Movie Maker doesn't come automatically with PC unfortunately.  There are other simple editing programs you can get.  Travis also suggests Sony Vegas.  There's a professional and a regular version with a suitable price range.  I use Davinci Resolve which is free.  However it is a professional editing program so you would need to sit down to get the basics (I suggest a good afternoon).

These tips will get you started.  As I said before phones are so advanced today you could also do a simple edit on your phone!

Let me know if these tips help.  Just do it.  You'll only get better.  Let me know how you go!

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