Sunday, May 20, 2018

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in the Wedding parade

The Royal Wedding!  Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on their parade.

The Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.  Watching them come down the High Street in Windsor.

A picture says 1000 words.  And video captures the moment!

A simple moment!  The scene of three seconds as they come by!  Mind you it was worth it.  Being there enjoying the lively happy street party atmosphere.  Some people came from all over the world to partake in the festivities.  Places like Australia, Germany, USA, and the rest of the UK!  Arriving early in the morning, if not overnight, to make sure they got a good viewing point.

This is a simple video with an editing trim.  We could also edit it down further if we wanted to; to just show the highlights of them appearing in their carriage.  In my next blog I'll put together a clip of the day, of what it's all about.  It is about them and also the people.  The followers that have come from a far to share in the festivities.

Were you at the wedding?  Or were having you're own Wedding luncheon watching it on a screen somewhere?  Did you capture any of the moments/  Let us know below.  You can get some tips on putting them together and then you can load them to social media or use it for your business eg if you run a restaurant how your guests were having a great time.

Stay tuned and and I'll have a small compilation of how I put mine together.  These ideas can be used for your videos too whether it's capturing a significant event or a video to boost your business.  As well as on a budget.  More coming up soon,

The Scott T Concept

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