A compilation of clips, taken in Windsor on the day of the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle.
Just basic footage put together can create a historical video of the day.
Thursday, May 31, 2018
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in the Wedding parade
The Royal Wedding! Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on their parade.
The Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Watching them come down the High Street in Windsor.
A picture says 1000 words. And video captures the moment!
A simple moment! The scene of three seconds as they come by! Mind you it was worth it. Being there enjoying the lively happy street party atmosphere. Some people came from all over the world to partake in the festivities. Places like Australia, Germany, USA, and the rest of the UK! Arriving early in the morning, if not overnight, to make sure they got a good viewing point.
This is a simple video with an editing trim. We could also edit it down further if we wanted to; to just show the highlights of them appearing in their carriage. In my next blog I'll put together a clip of the day, of what it's all about. It is about them and also the people. The followers that have come from a far to share in the festivities.
Were you at the wedding? Or were having you're own Wedding luncheon watching it on a screen somewhere? Did you capture any of the moments/ Let us know below. You can get some tips on putting them together and then you can load them to social media or use it for your business eg if you run a restaurant how your guests were having a great time.
Stay tuned and and I'll have a small compilation of how I put mine together. These ideas can be used for your videos too whether it's capturing a significant event or a video to boost your business. As well as on a budget. More coming up soon,
The Scott T Concept
The Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Watching them come down the High Street in Windsor.
A picture says 1000 words. And video captures the moment!
A simple moment! The scene of three seconds as they come by! Mind you it was worth it. Being there enjoying the lively happy street party atmosphere. Some people came from all over the world to partake in the festivities. Places like Australia, Germany, USA, and the rest of the UK! Arriving early in the morning, if not overnight, to make sure they got a good viewing point.
This is a simple video with an editing trim. We could also edit it down further if we wanted to; to just show the highlights of them appearing in their carriage. In my next blog I'll put together a clip of the day, of what it's all about. It is about them and also the people. The followers that have come from a far to share in the festivities.
Were you at the wedding? Or were having you're own Wedding luncheon watching it on a screen somewhere? Did you capture any of the moments/ Let us know below. You can get some tips on putting them together and then you can load them to social media or use it for your business eg if you run a restaurant how your guests were having a great time.
Stay tuned and and I'll have a small compilation of how I put mine together. These ideas can be used for your videos too whether it's capturing a significant event or a video to boost your business. As well as on a budget. More coming up soon,
The Scott T Concept
Friday, May 18, 2018
So are we ready for the big day?
The royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is one of the biggest events that a lot of people will be watching. People will travel to Windsor, where the wedding will be taking place, the majority will watch it televised, and some won't even care. In fact there won't be another big wedding for another 25 years or so, till Prince George grows up! However this is an event that everyone knows about.
This is also where you can take advantage of the moment. You can use this in relation to your business, you blog, or vlog to generate interest. This it truly seen with all the royal wedding merchandise that has gone on sale. Capitalising on the moment. This is also where video will help.
If you can capture the moment, or any moment that's popular at the time you will generate interest. If you can capture the moment on video will also be great to boost yourself, business, or article. 'A picture says a 1000 words'.
So be ready to get out there with your camera to shoot every moment. Remember to get that shot. Frame the scene - composition. 'Rule of thirds' for layout. The lighting, get the sun or the light in the right direction - behind you and onto your subject. If you have no control over that then make sure your exposure is able to capture their details eg: their faces, though the back ground can then be over exposed, we want to see detail.
Now, if you don't know how to capture that at the time, we fortunately now have, even simple, editing equipment, that can filter and restore detail to the scene. Bad shots don't have to be a waste they can also be saved now! More on those at a later date.
So capture the event and use it to your advantage. Also if you're out there filming it's your footage, your copyright, your piece of work or art. So get out there and film and enjoy the moment!
Also be respectful of others that may not want to be filmed, film around them, but get the great shots. Has there been other events that can bring up interest? How have you been able to capture the moment? Comment below. Happy filming!
The Scott T Concept
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
I have an idea.
Let's all get rich! (And f you have any anti wealth feelings, that's
OK, you can stay where you are. There's no right or wrong.) But,
we're going to get rich!
In the old days, the
1800s, the Americans went westward in search of gold and the wild
frontier, to make their fortune. Well, in today's times, it's not
that much different, though things have changed. The traditional way of making a living, of
getting a job is all changing. You're staying longer in education,
then you've got to start all over again at the bottom in a new job
and work your way up. Before you know it you're 30 and still not
making enough money, let alone getting a deposit for a house, and some of you
already have a spouse and a baby! Well, maybe a pet. And still very
little money!
So, we have to be
like the adventurers of the Wild West back in the days of old and go
discover our fortunes. However today it's no longer heading to
the west and digging for gold, unless you go to Silicon Valley, or
start your own crypto mining, but delving into the internet.
That's where the treasures are. Where the fortunes are made! Where 16 year
olds in their bedrooms are making money only to get bought out for
$Millions by the time they're 21!
Let's embark on our
journey. Social media, online business, Trading, and Cryptos. What
ever you chose you'll want to eventually have video. Now since
you're starting off, or don't have the funds, or know what equipment
to get, or you've already have a business but don't know where to
start with video, well, we'll embark on this together. I show you
how to start, with the basic of things, and tell you the tips based
on the professionals, to create video that looks just as good.
To begin with all
you need is a movie camera. Any sort, even a phone. As long as it
can capture digital footage, we're in! Then the basics of rules like
lighting and framing.
Stay with me. Sign
up and subscribe so you won't miss a tip. Also if you have any
comments or would like to know about something, write them
below. See you soon.
Scott T Concepts
Sunday, May 13, 2018
So you want to shot video? For your business? For a blog? Well I've got an idea and this is my concept!
Start with the basics. A recording device is a good place to start. That's basically a camera, and now these days, even a phone, tablet, even a laptop (people having even been using their laptop cameras to film themselves, like for tutorials). It also depends on where you're at with all of this. If you're just starting out, which is where this current blog is coming from, it doesn't have to be scary, and you don't have to 'throw your hands up in the air' and give up!
A few tips
Check for lighting. This one a lot of people don't notice. Make sure your subject is lit. That we can see the subject or the faces. (I've even seen top people get this wrong with today's easy use of filming - so you don't have to worry if you get it wrong, but it's good to know that you can be aware of it).
Usually have the light behind you so it's on your subject. Some shadow is good as it gives depth and a three dimensional feel. However you don't want a strong contrast so try not to have a strong light, also your subjects won't squint then. Usually morning or afternoon light is good if you're filming outdoors. Use a 'fill' light. So your shadows aren't too contrasting, a 'fill' will lighten the shadows. You can even do this with a 'reflector' – that's a white or light sheet of paper or board, just so the natural light is reflected onto your subject lightening the shadows. This way you'll have shadows that look interesting and still be able to see detail.

A more formal use of a reflector as a fill light - though anything light can do the same
I'll talk more on this in my later blogs. This is the basics of the 'three point light' set up. More on that later. This is the basics to get you thinking, interested, and filming!
These days everyone is getting it so easy. The rules are changing. Even if you're blogging, what is classic mistakes in the high end of cinema film making is now considered the norm on the portable devices watched on Youtube and websites.
In fact, here are a few more tips that you can check at Vimeo. Great funny clip just to make sure up to scratch. I'll also be blogging about these other tips too.
Vimeo tips: https://vimeo.com/blog/post/video-101-shooting-basics
Any comments please enter down below. Until then happy filming.
Monday, May 7, 2018
The Five Second Rule - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
When you're procrastinating, when you want to get something done, when you want to achieve something, but just can't seem to get motivated? I have found the concept of the Five Second Rule!
It is so simple.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Do it!
Found this little gem. When you're feeling lack of motivation, when you have to do something, like the example they used getting out of bed, just use this simple technique. Say 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Then you just do it! The idea is that you switch gears in your brain. By the time you've hit 1 the pre-frontal cortex is activated. That's the part of the brain that takes charge of being awake to speak with courage, to take a risk, to learn something new, according to the author, Mel Robbins, of her book The Five Second Rule.
Once practiced people then can use it to help with other things in their lives: eg: exercise, getting up on time, not drinking too much, eating healthy, speaking up at work, asking for that raise, starting your business. Eventually changing your mindset and breaking through the self talk and the reluctance that you go through before you can do something.
Great little trick! I've used it already when I've felt sluggish and it works. I suppose it interrupts my negative thoughts and then I just do it when I get to '1'.
Found this gem from Amy Landino's interview with the author Mel Robbins about her book and concept. Here's the link if you care to watch. Maybe just do it!
Interview: https://youtu.be/Z8jrT8pvs0E
It is so simple.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Do it!
Found this little gem. When you're feeling lack of motivation, when you have to do something, like the example they used getting out of bed, just use this simple technique. Say 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Then you just do it! The idea is that you switch gears in your brain. By the time you've hit 1 the pre-frontal cortex is activated. That's the part of the brain that takes charge of being awake to speak with courage, to take a risk, to learn something new, according to the author, Mel Robbins, of her book The Five Second Rule.
Once practiced people then can use it to help with other things in their lives: eg: exercise, getting up on time, not drinking too much, eating healthy, speaking up at work, asking for that raise, starting your business. Eventually changing your mindset and breaking through the self talk and the reluctance that you go through before you can do something.
Great little trick! I've used it already when I've felt sluggish and it works. I suppose it interrupts my negative thoughts and then I just do it when I get to '1'.
Found this gem from Amy Landino's interview with the author Mel Robbins about her book and concept. Here's the link if you care to watch. Maybe just do it!
Interview: https://youtu.be/Z8jrT8pvs0E
Thursday, May 3, 2018
Is The Online Video Advertising And Web Video Marketing Trend Relevant To Your Business?
Things have come a long way with the internet and video. The video has left the television screen and has transgressed into the screens of laptops, tablets, and phones! It's everywhere and growing. Businesses are also finding that it is becoming a major part of their connection with their customers and individuals are using it too from pure amusement, record, to selfies. It is now a major part of our lives and growing. Here's a little article I found saying just that. Are you making the most of the video? What uses have you got for it or is it just for self amusement? Comment below. Also I'll be bringing tips on great some great videos soon.
Over the past six years, I have been quite fortunate to go behind-the-scenes of over 200 companies and see how they deliver their message along with being able to see what's working and what's not working for them. Out of all those companies, I have edited different themed marketing videos for both offline and online businesses alike through my background in marketing and video production as a Producer and Editor. Several entrepreneurs are asking me if the new wave of online video advertising and website video marketing has anything to do with them and if it will effect them. They are also asking what are the real benefits of it and if it can even be used in their particular niche. Online video advertising has seen a positive acceptance as we move to the Web 2.0 Phase, but what I tell these small to mid-size e-commerce businesses is to really focus on website video marketing instead for now. The reason I say this is that once companies have the right videos on their websites to test and track conversions, they can use that as a springboard

to see if video advertising will be right for them over the next few years. Right now, the acceptance of website video marketing is being taken advantage of by smart marketers and online businesses for several already known reasons along with integrated strategies within their own business or sales funnel. I'll give a brief overview of both. Some already known reasons on why video works within the web for e-commerce and direct sales is to educate
consumers (edu-selling), building trust, informing web viewers about exactly what they want to hear without them getting lost in a long and boring sales copy while adding the human approach. Consumers appreciate companies that get to the point efficiently and clearly, how to navigate sites and how to get from Point A to Point B without the consumer getting lost. Statistics average that 70% of people are visual learners and can understand what they see in a visual way and more effectively, when it includes the narration or text overlay that connects the marketing message together in the mind of the consumer. E-commerce, direct sales and multimedia marketing businesses use integrated strategies of video within their sales copy to give visual cues and careful placement so consumers know when to do what with a laser-focused call-to-action along with testimonial videos (the most powerful testimonial there is) that blend right in with the sales copy. Using video messages within the short opt-in form can replace a long sales copy on "Why you should give me your email address." Consumers tend to appreciate this on opt-in pages because it takes down their skepticism and reassures them that they are giving their email to a real business who has invested time in providing value for them. When seeing how your competitors, e-commerce and direct sales companies use creative video advertising and marketing solutions, ask yourself how video will differentiate you from everyone else and what direct response or branding message would be the most effective to get consumers to take action.
By Scott Lundergan
Source: https://www.isnare.com/?aid=128479&ca=Marketing
Over the past six years, I have been quite fortunate to go behind-the-scenes of over 200 companies and see how they deliver their message along with being able to see what's working and what's not working for them. Out of all those companies, I have edited different themed marketing videos for both offline and online businesses alike through my background in marketing and video production as a Producer and Editor. Several entrepreneurs are asking me if the new wave of online video advertising and website video marketing has anything to do with them and if it will effect them. They are also asking what are the real benefits of it and if it can even be used in their particular niche. Online video advertising has seen a positive acceptance as we move to the Web 2.0 Phase, but what I tell these small to mid-size e-commerce businesses is to really focus on website video marketing instead for now. The reason I say this is that once companies have the right videos on their websites to test and track conversions, they can use that as a springboard

to see if video advertising will be right for them over the next few years. Right now, the acceptance of website video marketing is being taken advantage of by smart marketers and online businesses for several already known reasons along with integrated strategies within their own business or sales funnel. I'll give a brief overview of both. Some already known reasons on why video works within the web for e-commerce and direct sales is to educate
consumers (edu-selling), building trust, informing web viewers about exactly what they want to hear without them getting lost in a long and boring sales copy while adding the human approach. Consumers appreciate companies that get to the point efficiently and clearly, how to navigate sites and how to get from Point A to Point B without the consumer getting lost. Statistics average that 70% of people are visual learners and can understand what they see in a visual way and more effectively, when it includes the narration or text overlay that connects the marketing message together in the mind of the consumer. E-commerce, direct sales and multimedia marketing businesses use integrated strategies of video within their sales copy to give visual cues and careful placement so consumers know when to do what with a laser-focused call-to-action along with testimonial videos (the most powerful testimonial there is) that blend right in with the sales copy. Using video messages within the short opt-in form can replace a long sales copy on "Why you should give me your email address." Consumers tend to appreciate this on opt-in pages because it takes down their skepticism and reassures them that they are giving their email to a real business who has invested time in providing value for them. When seeing how your competitors, e-commerce and direct sales companies use creative video advertising and marketing solutions, ask yourself how video will differentiate you from everyone else and what direct response or branding message would be the most effective to get consumers to take action.
By Scott Lundergan
Source: https://www.isnare.com/?aid=128479&ca=Marketing
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Youtube Phenomenon
While we're going to work on some great video and content one of the most popular places to place them on is YouTube. Also it's a launching pad to have them on and redirect them to your website or social media page. Found this interesting article on the beginnings of YouTube by Andre Jones.
Another development that had immensely helped catapulting Youtube into the forefront of online entertainment industry came from rather unexpected quarters, in the form of new software tool - the Flash Player 8 by Macromedia - that enabled people to view Youtube videos directly from their web browsers without having to download it into their PCs and view it with the help of third party software programs such as Windows Media Player or RealOne Player. In fact, it not only eliminated the need to view downloaded files in third party tools, but also provided a far improved video quality than its predecessor, Flash Player 7. Had it not been for the new Flash Player, the Flash Player 8, it is unlikely that Youtube.com would have taken off this fast, in such a short span of time.
As of today, Youtube.com, under the umbrella of Google, is the fastest growing video website in the globe and the 10th most popular amongst all websites in the cyberspace, according to the latest Alexa ratings. Nearly 100 million video clips from Youtube are seen by netizens daily and around 65,000 new Youtube videos are added every day into the database. The number of netizens visiting Youtube every month is thought to be anywhere near 20 million. No wonder, Youtube.com is described not as a website, but as a phenomenon by market experts.
If you browse the web, you'll come across many websites that has one or more video clips embedded in it. News websites such as BBC and CNN fall in this category. But, what about a website that has only video clips and nothing else? This is exactly what the Youtube Phenomenon is all about. To those who have not heard about Youtube, it is a video sharing website where one could upload, share, and watch video clips - Youtube videos - for free. It is owned by Google.
Here is a bit history of what all went behind in the making of Youtube.com. Little had the three former PayPal employees - Chad Hurley, Jawed Karim, and Steve Chen - anticipated about the growth and fame Youtube would achieve in less than one year since its inception, when they first planned such a video sharing website. An out-of-the box idea, Youtube.com was launched as an unknown new website on February 15, 2005 with virtually no promotion. The website with its full features become operational few month later; the first preview of the website was offered in May 2005 and its official debut in November the same year. As it had been with many great path breaking projects in the past, the incubation days of Youtube took place in a modest garage in California, much like its present owner's - Google - beginnings, who started their journey from a leased space in a Menlo Park garage in 1998.
Here is a bit history of what all went behind in the making of Youtube.com. Little had the three former PayPal employees - Chad Hurley, Jawed Karim, and Steve Chen - anticipated about the growth and fame Youtube would achieve in less than one year since its inception, when they first planned such a video sharing website. An out-of-the box idea, Youtube.com was launched as an unknown new website on February 15, 2005 with virtually no promotion. The website with its full features become operational few month later; the first preview of the website was offered in May 2005 and its official debut in November the same year. As it had been with many great path breaking projects in the past, the incubation days of Youtube took place in a modest garage in California, much like its present owner's - Google - beginnings, who started their journey from a leased space in a Menlo Park garage in 1998.
Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, Jawed Karim
The beginnings of Youtube was pretty modest and its creators more than once at least went through a cash crunch as the visitors to the website grew and the need for better infrastructure and technology became inevitable. Irony it may be that the first helping hand they got which had pulled them out of the financial crisis was that of the venture capital firm Sequoia, the very same firm that had funded Google in its early years. Sequoia invested $3.5 million initially in Youtube, the stake which they upped to $8 million few months later, realizing the vast potential Youtube.com has in the fast growing world of infotainment in the near future.
Another development that had immensely helped catapulting Youtube into the forefront of online entertainment industry came from rather unexpected quarters, in the form of new software tool - the Flash Player 8 by Macromedia - that enabled people to view Youtube videos directly from their web browsers without having to download it into their PCs and view it with the help of third party software programs such as Windows Media Player or RealOne Player. In fact, it not only eliminated the need to view downloaded files in third party tools, but also provided a far improved video quality than its predecessor, Flash Player 7. Had it not been for the new Flash Player, the Flash Player 8, it is unlikely that Youtube.com would have taken off this fast, in such a short span of time.
As of today, Youtube.com, under the umbrella of Google, is the fastest growing video website in the globe and the 10th most popular amongst all websites in the cyberspace, according to the latest Alexa ratings. Nearly 100 million video clips from Youtube are seen by netizens daily and around 65,000 new Youtube videos are added every day into the database. The number of netizens visiting Youtube every month is thought to be anywhere near 20 million. No wonder, Youtube.com is described not as a website, but as a phenomenon by market experts.
By: Andrew Jones
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