Sunday, September 30, 2018

Composition and framing for film. RULE OF THIRDS vs THE GOLDEN RATIO. Ci...


Lately I've been speaking about the Rule of thirds and the Rule of Symmetry.  Both important framing/composition tools to go by.  Of course you can always break the rules for a particular reason.

However I found this great clip on the Golden Rule.  Also know under a few other names like The Golden Ratio, The Golden Section, The Devine Proportion, the Golden rectangle, etc.   Very similar to the Rule of Thirds.  Great insite into the comparisons.  In fact I'm beginning to prefer the Golden Rule.  It's a little more wholesome in my opinion.  There are no wrongs or right and depends on the photographer and what goes well with your content.

What do you think?  Comments below!

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Why You NEED This Composition Technique | The Golden Spiral, Explained


Well, I have been speaking about the Rule of thirds, symmetry, and just when you think you're mastering them there's another rule!  The Golden Spiral.  It's based on the Fibonacci Spiral.  It can be found in many other things as well, like in Nature, and even in share trading!

Here's a clip to explain it.  Are you using the Golden Spiral?  What's your favourite rule or you use the appropriate rule for the appropriate situation?  Comment below.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Symmetry in Films : Supercut


Here's a little visual treat.  My last blog was about the Rule of Symmetry.  Here's a little clip giving some examples of the Rule of Symmetry in a fun visual amusement.

This clip could also be taken as a bit of an editing exercise.  Notice how the clip is cut together on the beat of the music.  A great editing tip for later on.

Are you using these rules yet?  Have you started with any elaborate editing yet?  Let me know below.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Why is there symmetry in film?


While I've been writing about the Rule of Thirds another rule is the Rule of Symmetry.  Which is probably quite common as a natural instinct.  Of placing the subject in the middle and balancing it.  Used to focus the attention on the main subject of the frame.  'Here it is, look at this!'

Used quite a bit by Stanley Kubrick and quite a style by Wes Anderson.  Have a look and see what  you think.  You probably use it a lot.  However do you use it with purpose?  Let me know below.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Rules of Framing and Composition


How are all your filming going?  Started?

Here's a little clip I found of Jordan speaking on framing.  Quick and simple rules to know about framing your shot.  'Rule of Thirds', 'Symmetry' and others.  Very much what I'm going to include in my video tutorials that I'm soon to launch.

Comment below yon if you use these rules yet or go against them, and how you find them?